+612 8091 1735


The below information is confidential for registration purposes only and not disclosed to any party or persons other than Realty Guru Administration.

Fields Marked * are mandatory


Take a few moments to submit your registration and experience the savings and efficiency RGPM will bring to your business !

Great Benefits only from RGPM

Fully Functioning Dashboard

Trust Accounting with programmable Property Management Expenses

Full list of Reporting Features

Inspections and Apps

Adjustable Landload, Tenant, Staff and Principle Logins

To many features to list, 100% FREE for registered Real Estate and Strata clients.

Register Now on Realtyguru .

Property Management made easy


Work Type*


Profile Picture*

Pro Tips

Password must not have spaces and is case sensitive

If you have forgotten your password click "Forgotten Password" and enter either your email address or your user name

Registrations can take up to 24 hours for Realty Guru Admin to check your information and authorise your account

Your account registration is for 12 months ONLY and must be renewed upon expiration of this term

All data information remains the responsibility of the user and should be backed up regularly

Mobile/Cellular numbers must have no spaces

All mandatory fields must have an entry or your registration will not submit


When trialling RGPM please enter a staff member and then a property, set up the staff member first as when uploading a property RGPM asks you to assign the property to a Property Manager, please also feel free to upload some expenses and dummy rental costs which is all updated in accounts and gives you a running total in the Balance Sheet.

Also add an inspection time which gets automatically updated in the diary and becomes visible in the Tenants and Landlords login account and sends off an automated email and App push notification to the Tenant and Landlord of the scheduled inspection time and date.

Please feel free to make adjustments to the Tenants and Landlords accounts altering sections of RGPM they can have access to. Once you have added some basic information into the system you can then process reports and send off an email of the report to specific selected Tenants and Landlords with the report information which you can add a personal Property Managers comment to. The reports have a tick box column allowing you to select several or all recipients of the emailed report.

You can enter pictures of the property on the dash board which the Tenants and Landlords can see in their login. Also try processing a dummy maintenance request which the costs of the maintenance work is automatically updated in the accounts/balance sheet, note: Tenants cannot see maintenance or accounts, however, Tenants can process a maintenance request through their login or the Apps which then gets updated in the Property Managers profile and the Agent will receive a push notification and an email requesting that a contractor is selected and the request submitted, no more job sheets to email to contractors. Also note the Add Contractor section which allows you to add your own preferred contractors or use our own already registered in the system, please note we have built in service agreements with contractors if they break any of our service agreements they get automatically suspended which can be over turned by Realty Guru Admin upon request by the contractor.

With no data in the system you can’t see the dash board or any of its functionality. We also have a bulk data transfer feature to simplify setting up your account, if you have an extensive rent roll this feature will be extremely useful. We also have an online live chat support feature which is available 8am – 8pm EST where you can ask our Admin staff any questions you may have. RGPM has a PDF data backup feature and many more features which we are sure you will work out as you begin processing your properties through our software. Realty Guru would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our Property Management platform and we wish you all the best working with our team.


RGPM is 100% FREE unless otherwise agreed to by Realty Guru and the Client, please ignore any reference to fees and charges in the agreement unless agreed to by yourself and Realty Guru

  • Any outstanding payments to Realty Guru have strict fourteen (14) day payment terms. Failure to make payment to Realty Guru on time could result in termination of this agreement should there be an outstanding debt owed to Realty Guru.
  • Realty Guru will allow the client full access to their files after termination of this agreement for a period of fourteen (14) days and co-operate where necessary with the client to do so. All online data will be deleted after thirty (30) days upon back up by the client and will no longer remain on the Realty Guru system. Realty Guru reserves the right to extend these conditions upon request.
  • Realty Guru will keep all client online data confidential and not allow any unauthorised access to the data during and after termination of this agreement. All account data remains the property of the client and not Realty Guru.
  • The Clients maintenance contractors are to be uploaded into the RGPM system for job processing. The clients work is to be put through the RGPM software system for the contractors. Failure to process building work through the RGPM system will terminate this agreement.
  • Clients accounts have default settings that are adjustable for Landlords, Tenants and staff. Realty Guru is not responsible for any account settings or system data providing access to a third party or unauthorised person.
  • This contract is a twelve (12) month contract with on option of renewal at the end of the twelve (12) month period. This contract does not offer a trial or a cooling off period unless agreed in writing with Realty Guru.
  • Realty Guru is not responsible for and recommends the following:
  1. The client changes their password regularly to avoid a third party gaining access to their account information.
  2. The client removes terminated staff off their account so they no longer have access to account information.
  3. The client informs staff not to give out their login information.
  4. The client keeps an off system updated back up of their data at all times.